Comparison of Stats per Team from 2011 to 2012

Stats per Team (Season)
11 12 11* 12*
BB 99.63 96.5 99.17 96.75
K 215.75 231.9 215 235.5
R 86.13 60.17 81.83 54.13
H 126.25 110.4 122.17 111.25
HR 16.75 16.7 16.67 14.75
TB 197.63 175.8 190 170.38
* Adjusted with high/low extremes removed
Stats per Team (Game)
11* 12*
BB/g 3.54 3.46
K/g 7.68 8.41
R/g 2.92 1.93
H/g 4.36 3.97
HR/g 0.60 0.53
TB/g 6.79 6.08
* Adjusted with high/low extremes removed

First, league batting average fell from a respectable .281 in 2011 to a painful .226 in 2012. That free fall came even with the introduction of the rotation rule, which halved the number of games the most dominant starters could pitch.

Walks came down from 99.17 to 96.75 per team on the season, a 2% change. Per game this is a .08 reduction, to 3.46 from 3.54. Well within the margin of error, maybe, but it does show that number-two and three pitchers handling half of the games did not have any effect on control.

Strike outs increased by 20.5 per team on the season: a 10% change. Per game that is an increase from 7.68 to 8.41. Further showing increasing dominance of pitching over hitting, with even number-two and three pitchers able to boost KpG.

Hits and power numbers (total bases and home runs) saw similar fall off around 10%: 9% for H, 10% for TB, and 12% for HR. There were nearly 2 less HR hit by a team in 2012 - 16.67 in 2011, 14.75 in 2012 - resulting in 1 HR hit every 2 games instead of 3 in every 5. Team hits were reduced to below 4 per game, from 122.17 on the season to 111.25. And team total bases dropped by 0.71 per game to just over 6, falling from 190 on the season in 2011 to 170.38.

Perhaps the most striking drop-off, runs per team plummeted by 27.71 on the season: from 81.83 in 2011 to 54.13 in 2012. A staggering 34% decrease. This equates to a 1-run per game fall-off from 2.92 to 1.93.

* Numbers used for this analysis derived from league averages after the the highest and lowest were taken out to remove extremes. Except league AVG, which is all inclusive. Unadjusted numbers are also displayed in the table.

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