Taste the Rainbow

Your Junk my Happy Zone
by Brandon Corbett

Belgian Wiffles
RGB: 81, 61, 0
HEX: 513d00
RGB: 252, 248, 0
HEX: fcf800
Belle Islanders (*proposed)
RGB: 254, 161, 0
HEX: fea100
RGB: 0, 151, 254
HEX: 0097fe
Campus Commandos
RGB: 25, 68, 0
HEX: 194400
RGB: 171, 177, 53
HEX: abb135
Flying Squirrels
RGB: 138, 170, 223
HEX: 8aaadf
RGB: 62, 31, 15
HEX: 3e1e0f
Holy Balls
RGB: 71, 0, 169
HEX: 4700a9
RGB: 0, 0, 0
HEX: 000000
RGB: 225, 255, 0
HEX: e1ff00
King Friday
RGB: 201, 10, 26
HEX: c90a1a
RGB: 0, 63, 159
HEX: 003f9f
Thunder Ducks
RGB: 207, 181, 59
HEX: cfb53b
RGB: 32, 32, 32
HEX: 202020
RGB: 174, 179, 180
HEX: aeb3b4
Westside Warriors
RGB: 0, 0, 0
HEX: 000000
RGB: 226, 67, 0
HEX: e24300
Whiteford Wicked Aces
RGB: 0, 0, 102
HEX: 000066
RGB: 255, 255, 0
HEX: ffff00
When we first launched the website in 2011, Señor Café exalted his favorite part of the site as the teams page, seeing the wide array of colors next to one another. Not only does it liven up the look on the site, but a unique color scheme is one of the easiest ways to immediately stand out from the rest of the pack, too. Three teams have fallen to the ranks of "historic" after a year and half, with another four joining them after completion of season two, while we added four teams before 2012 and our looking at three new franchises for 2013. One thing that has remained the same, though: a splendid rainbow.

While not technically a color of the rainbow, brown is represented well and so very welcomed in WSEM. The Belgian Wiffles pair a lighter shade of the tone with a bright yellow, perfectly imitating the buttery goodness of their namesake and hearkening back to when the Padres had a respectable identity. The Flying Squirrels use a darker chocolate hue with a cooler sky blue, taking the color in a totally different direction with their look. The Squirrels will see many changes in 2013, including roster and logo changes, but their now iconic colors will remain part of their identity.

Despite what the table at right shows, red has been the most used color in WSEM's two years. Git r' Done was the sole team to utilize it in 2011 before changing to the gold and charcoal of the Thunder Ducks, when King Friday, the Donkeys, and the Manchester Punchouts donned it in 2012. Impressively, none of the teams ever shared the same shade. GR'D used a straight, bright red; King Friday kept the brightness, but muted the tone slightly, and paired it with royal blue for a very Pistons-like look; the Donkeys darkened up the GR'D tone a couple steps, and the Punchouts took the closest stab at crimson-esque color, fully invested in hexadecimal numbers. The Punchouts also used a dark, midnight blue along with an almost aqua to make for one of the best palettes in league history. Despite such a rich history, red - specifically maroon/burgundy - is one of the most standout colors out their for a new franchise in 2013.

In addition to Friday's use of royal blue, three other teams have touched the color. The Ass Kickers (2011) and Whiteford Wicked Aces use the same shade of navy blue. Both teams also use yellow as a secondary color; the Aces use a bright yellow, while the Ass Kickers used a more athletic gold hue in their tenure. The Mattseals also wore a royal (perhaps Dodger?) blue as their jerseys in 2012, although their primary color was a kelly green shade.

Aside from the Seals' green, the only other team to touch the league's primary color is the Campus Commandos. They also double up and, fittingly to the Commandos name, take an olive drab hue, as well. Orange is one of the only less touched colors than green, and is all but owned by the Westside Warriors, who are returning for the 2013 season. Shore looks to bring in a lot of new talent into the Warrior roster, but expect the team to jump right back in and fill that vibrant void they left. Sure, they use orange as a secondary color behind black, but it more than makes them their own when compared against other teams that have used black, such as the Seamen or DeLoppes.

Black is also being used by the first new 2013 franchise, Holy Balls, who are the first team to use purple, giving them a unique identity right off the bat. Though, with the inaccuracy of the recent claim that the team is known as 'Quintin Berries', who knows what personnel will actually be joining Franzen and Paquin under the Holy Balls identity. Speaking of unconfirmed, the proposed scheme for the second new franchise, Belle Islanders, is far from a sure thing, but includes colors taken from Linebrink's Core Detroit company logo: bright orange (creamsicle!) and blue.

With the tenth team slot yet to be filled, whomever fills that slot has the opportunity to make themselves stand out right from the start. As mentioned above, maroon or crimson is one option to succeed in that fashion. No longer being used, kelly green is another great option out there on an island, with the Commandos dark and drab greens like distant cousins. Remember, also, veteran teams have until December 1st if they are looking to shake things up, spin the color wheel, and make themselves stand out like Mt. Pine's Purple House!

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