Divided We Stand

Your Junk my Happy Zone
by Brandon Corbett

The knee-jerk reaction at the Winter Meeting to the 2013 divisional draw was that Ringler would again be the elite division. I remember a similar stirring about the other division, Garcia, in 2012 and look at how that turned out. Yes, one of the strongest Garcia teams left mid-season; so, let's assume they would have gone 6-2 in their remaining games against Ringler teams. That still would have seen a 39-21 advantage to Ringler. Closer? Sure. Close? Nah.

What's the point of this revisionist history lesson? Obviously, we'd never make it as fortune tellers. No matter how many nipples we had. We are terrible at predictions [unless you're talking about Commissioner Coffee on Opening Night]. Still, though, the "Ringler is the better division" mentality is running strong. Having been the second team drawn into Ringler, King Friday posted this on their Facebook wall Sunday:

"King Friday lands in the Ringler Division. Joining them are the 2012 Champions, Whitefor(d) Wicked Aces. Also, the Westside Warriors and Holy Balls are in the Ringler. It once again appears to be the tougher division, awesome....."

Note the extra two dots on that ellipsis for emphasis. That's a long, deep sigh. I also asked around a bit for people's expected W-L record between the two divisions in their upcoming 64 games. The most common response is for a 38-26 Ringler victory. The average slides marginally toward the middle at 36-28; advantage Ringler.

I'm not sure I buy this "dominant Ringler" idea, though. At least one person is with me, predicting an even 32-32 split of the series. In his words, "I actually went through each matchup individually and fully believe that it will be 32-32. These divisions are fairly even." I cannot echo that perfectly even sentiment. However, I actually see Garcia having a slight advantage.

There are two teams on that side who I can see winning a few series 4-0 and possibly taking all but one series 3-1: Ducks and El Diablos. In 2012 the Ducks took things easy during the season, knowing they'd easily make the playoffs with home field in the first round. With only four teams getting in this season, they will not be sitting back. They have also improved their rotation with the Constanti and Castle signings, and have as dangerous a hitting lineup as ever with Pearson, Dylan Braden, Nagorski and Castle. El Diablos are heavily underrated, and I think the overlooking of them is what is driving the "Ringler dominant" train. Having the bats of Tomlinson and, rookie signing, Lollio along with Skinner and Chandler Phillips on the mound makes for a very strong lineup. I fully expect El Diablos and the Ducks to be neck and neck for the Garcia pennant. Similarly to El Diablos, I think the Islanders and Belgian Wiffles are being very underrated.

On the other side, the Wicked Aces are clearly the favorites across the league to defend their championship. However, I am already eating crow on my bold ass prediction that the Warriors will win the Commissioner's Cup. The loss of Hatt and hearing the extent of uncertainty about what will be put on the field has not only stopped me from drinking the Kool-aid, it has made me spit it out all over the floor. I do not see this team as a power anymore. They now join the Balls and Friday as teams fighting to be over .500, and what results is a hand dealt to Ringler 2013 similar to that held by Garcia 2012.

I do not see it being anywhere near as one-sided as last season, but I do see Garcia chipping away at the all-time head-to-head record; going 36-28 against Ringler in 2013.

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