In the Cards #3: Josh Roberts

In the Cards #3: Josh Roberts
Git r' Done

When Josh Roberts arrived at his first WSEM league game he walked the long and lonely road to the field. Literally. He was dropped off at the end of Frenchtown Field's 50+ yard driveway and took each step in stride, carrying his drink for the day, getting loose for his upcoming games, and thinking about how he was going to approach the the DeLoppes' and Mattseals' pitching. With players and spectators already assembled everyone stopped what they were doing and admired his definitive, poignant method of arrival. Some, seemingly starstruck, could be heard to murmur, "who is this guy?" While many others did cut right cut through to the obvious question, "what the hell? Why'd he get dropped off at the end of the driveway?" Okay, in the spirit of total honesty, that whole part about game planning is complete conjecture, but how else do you explain his .462 BA out of the gate in Week 1? Josh is heady, two steps ahead of you, but you wouldn't guess that based on the way he carries himself.

It's very probable that what Josh was thinking as he approached Frenchtown Field and its staring assembly was, "if they think this long walk in is something, just wait until they get a load of me!" And oh boy! Would he ever be right! Josh Roberts is a character. His antics on the field are some of the most demonstrative, over the top, and likely embarrassing to a lesser man: Truffle Shuffles, half-shirts, random singing and dancing, random-er bat tricks, loud exploits and odd approaches, along with the occasional as awkward as possible way start a conversation. All delightful amusements to be sure, but could Josh have a less happy-go-lucky reason hidden behind his amorous behavior? Trying to get in opponents heads, take them off their game, and catch them off guard maybe? Only Josh knows for sure if that constant smile he wears is because he is having fun or if he knows he just suckered you.

Roberts knows he is a role player for Git r' Done, and he accepts that position with the team gladly. He even seems to thrive on it, due in large part to the "what's the best way to make this fun," carefree attitude he approaches the game with. Josh will never over analyze or worry about the heat or junk a pitcher is going to throw; he is just going to go up there, swing the bat, and try to help the team, because let's face it: when your winning the laughs roll out a lot easier, and that is Josh's element. Sure, he'll strike out and unintentionally look silly for a change sometimes, but instead of throwing the bat into the ground he'll do something like balance it on his nose. Why? *shrug* Why not? You won't keep Josh Roberts down, and you will never keep Josh Roberts from having fun.

Going back to add something to the opening "long walk to the ball field" story, because it's smooth to work in circles. Just this past weekend Josh confessed the real reason why he was dropped off at the end of the driveway on Opening Weekend, and none of our early thoughts were anywhere near close. Turns out that his mom, in his words, "is a terrible driver... she would have hit every car in the driveway trying to get in and out of here." So, go ahead and add "considerate" to the list of good qualities Josh possesses, too.

Josh's 2011 stats (as of June 2nd) on the back of his card:

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